SuperActiFloSuperActiFlo is our bio media of choice
SuperActiFlo is a moving bed media. It is housed in an appropriate vessel and an air pump is used to provide bubbles which makes the media move with the water currents generated by the passage of the air bubbles. It is this movement of the media within the bio filter that makes SuperActiFlo unique as it ensures that there is near perfect mixing within the vessel. This means no water can ever track or channel through the filter, which in turn ensures that the media is put into contact with more of the water more often. So dramatic can this performance improvement be that water in a moving bed filter can have up to 8 times the contact time when compared with static media filters. What this means for you is that you need less media to do the same job. The perfect mixing of water to be treated is also one of the reasons that the moving bed media is the only one that can specify it's performance, something no static media can (since every installation of static media is different). SuperActiFlo when used correctly can handle 250 grams of high quality fish food per 50l box of media. That's impressive no matter which side of the filtration debate you may be sitting on. As such SuperActifFlo offers highest performance relative to price which is one reason why it is being used extensively in big aqua culture fish farming installations.