A picture says a thousand words, right?A 3D model then must be worth an entire book! We had these models drawn up for us by ATEC. They cost us a pretty penny we can tell you, but we're giving them away here for free. Why? We'll explain a little further on... In the meantime you need to download 6 files. The first three are the actual models themselves, followed by the link to download the free viewer which you will need to install to view the models. Then there is a set of notes which we have written about the models and the usual readme.txt which is important. The links are here: Just Right Click and Save As Model 1: Pump fed gravity return system MS Word Document of Notes on the Systems Link to download the program to install to view the models So why are we giving this away for free? This is after all our business - designing filtration systems! The answer is two fold. Firstly, we hope you will buy the products we use in these designs. Secondly, no Koi pond filtration system is straightforward. LASTLY, if you like the idea of how to drive a Koi pond filtration system using less than 24W per 10 000 litres (this is not the airlift design) you will need to speak to us in terms of getting this design - we're not giving that away! What we can say is that someday this is the way that all Koi ponds will be designed and that energy efficiencies of this magnitude are going to become the norm. The numbers speak for themselves. A standard 0.75 kW pump can draw in excess of 900W (because it delivers 750W) and is not 100% efficient. This will give you around 20 000l/hr at best. We can give you up to 20 000l/hr using just 48W. Of course this requires careful design - and it is not suited to all Koi ponds. But the point is that it is possible, and even if that is not the solution for you there are numerous options still available to you (from 90w for 18kl/hr to 280W for 36kl/hr and anything inbetween). The day of the energy guzzling swimming pool pump on a Koi pond has long passed. |